They’re not very entertaining. They don’t do much but sit there, stuck to something. In fact, asset tags must be the most boring things on earth!
But asset tags lead extraordinary lives. Often passive passengers on a high-energy roller-coaster ride, they witness damage and destruction, creative construction, theft and recovery. Asset tags are present when entrepreneurs envision business empires, brilliant minds compose symphonies or design sophisticated machinery, and hard-working professionals tear up the asphalt with a jackhammer.
Relentless Mercenaries
Asset tags are often attached to high-end workstations, heavy-duty construction equipment, vehicles, desks and other assets of all sorts. They stay or go as needed — to the moon or the bottom of the ocean, on a missile rocketing towards detonation or attached to medical equipment saving a life.
They might endure wretched conditions in the rugged outdoors or permanent bliss in an air-conditioned office. They fly out to job sites and return with the dirt, sweat and grime of a hard day’s work to deliver a perfect read from the resident barcode scanner. They ensure that valued assets receive the attention and care they merit.
Too Bad They Cannot Speak

Imagine the stories they could tell…
Ah, but asset tags have much to say! They just require coaxing from an asset management system and gentle nudging from a barcode scanner to speak volumes about the property they represent — places a tool has gone and the work it has done and when it was serviced. They divulge parts and warranty information and component specifications. Through asset tag the sum total of data about an important piece of capital is available in the blink of an eye. Asset tags provide an incredibly valuable service for a minimal cost.